If this is not the case, restart Discord until it comes up, or reinstall BandagedBD. To know if Discord has detected BandagedBD, just open the Discord settings : a new section named BandagedBD had to be added to the existing settings list. Once BandagedBD is installed, reload Discord ( ctrl + R on Windows and Linux) so to apply your config changes.

tar.gz archive or, if you are lucky, it is already suppported by your package manager. If you run Linux, you will have to deal with the. BandagedBD is fully compatible with Windows and MacOS. If you don't have it installed yet, I advise you to install more specifically BandagedBD, a Betterdiscord fork made by Rauenzi. This project's themes use Betterdiscord, a piece of software allowing you to extend the features of your Discord client with plugins (you can for example quote messages, encrypt channels.) and themes (like this project). Pretty nice, uh ? 😇 How to install and use the themes